Management Policy

TOP IR Information Management Policy

To Our Shareholders and Investors

To Our Shareholders and Investors

We are a company that is continually seeking information to advance our technologies and bring them to markets worldwide.
Our management philosophy is as follows.

  • Through technology contribute to a more prosperous society
  • Always be sincere
  • Have a thorough challenging and pioneering spirit
  • Swiftly address the needs of society

New Management Targets

The Powdertech Group is working to strengthen its business foundation using the financial KPIs of ordinary profit, ROE, and ratio of net sales of new functional materials.
Under Plan 22, our three-year medium-term business plan that started in FY2022, we have group targets set at an ordinary profit of 1.34 billion yen, ROE of 6.9%, and sales ratio of 7.8% for new functional materials in FY2024, the final fiscal year of the plan.

New Medium-Term Business Plan (as disclosed on May 13, 2022)

We launched our three-year business plan, named Plan 22, in April 2022. Based on our management philosophy, the plan helps us to focus on our vision of becoming indispensable to society—an essential company—using our unique technologies to provide solutions to social issues. The basic policy in the plan outlines four key actions to achieve our company vision— maintain and strengthen the profitability of existing businesses; realize profit contribution by new businesses; continue to nurture new businesses; and strengthen head office functions that support business foundations (promote ESG-oriented management). These are key efforts in light of such external factors as rising energy costs and supply chain disruptions that accompany geopolitical risks, not to mention the shift toward a “new normal” in society (such as going paperless) accelerated by COVID-19 and the shift toward sustainability, which includes environmental issues as part of ESG management. In the functional materials business, we premise our actions on the assumption that demand for carriers will not return to pre-COVID levels. So, in response to soaring prices for energy and other raw materials and fuels, we are working to achieve cost reductions through greater efficiencies and detail-oriented improvements, and increase the rate of adoption of new carriers.
In new functional materials, our plans include establishing a supply system for ultra-fine ferrite powder, boosting marketing efforts in new markets, and speeding up the launch of new products. In the iron powder business, related to oxygen absorbers, our plans include improving sales efficiency with a focus on moisture-activated combined oxygen absorbers, expanding sales, further reducing costs, and accelerating the development of new markets with new products. Related to iron powders, we will carry out business structure reforms.
Our implementation of ESG management includes reducing carbon dioxide emissions through energy conservation and other measures, creating a work environment that welcomes and supports a diverse workforce, and strengthening corporate governance. We will implement these measures steadily to fulfill our vision and increase our corporate value.